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Defending You Against Conspiracy Charges

Under federal law, conspiring with another to commit a crime is illegal. The penalties can be severe, from conspiring to smuggle drugs across state borders to possessing false documents and wire fraud. Even when the crime itself never came to fruition, you can still face harsh conspiracy charges that permanently impact your future.

If you face federal conspiracy charges, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help protect you. I am attorney Abundio Rene Cantu, representing clients in Laredo and throughout South Texas in various conspiracy crimes. Prior to founding The Cantú Law Firm, I worked as a prosecutor on a wide range of criminal cases. This experience gave me valuable insight into how prosecutors approach cases and the tactics they use. When you work with me, I will use this knowledge to create a tailored defense that protects your future.

Even Agreeing To Commit A Crime Can Result In Serious Charges

In a conspiracy, two or more people must intentionally make an agreement to violate federal law or defraud the United States. One of the parties must then commit an act in furtherance of the agreement. This means that if you agreed to commit an act, you face a federal conspiracy charge.

I can defend you against a variety of federal conspiracy crimes, including:

  • Drug crimes
  • Public corruption
  • Human trafficking
  • Money laundering
  • Gun trafficking
  • Possession of false documents
  • Possession of false passports
  • Wire fraud

Although many of these cases do not end in the act being committed, conspiracy is still heavily punished and can result in years behind bars in a federal prison. There are several legal defenses available for conspiracy crimes, including lack of intent and legal impossibility. When you meet with me, we will go over your side of the story and every detail of your case before working together to create a sound defense on your behalf.

Let’s Start Working On Your Defense

If you face a federal conspiracy charge, you need to contact an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible to get started on your case. While these charges may not feel as serious as others, you could still face years in prison and large fines. To schedule a consultation at my Laredo office, call me at 956-468-3589 or complete my online contact form.
